Why will this time
be different?
What is
“My Best Weight”
Our “Best weight” is the weight that we achieve when we are living the healthiest life that we can truly enjoy and sustain long term.
We carry out a detailed assessment and identify the reasons an individual may struggle with weight. We look at the impact that this may or may not have on a person’s health.
We collaborate with our clients to design a bespoke treatment plan that may include behavioural health interventions, dietary modifications, medication, and long term follow up.
All of this, in a caring and supportive environment, with the assistance of our team of experts.

We focus on Gaining Health
Why do so many people struggle to lose weight and keep it off?
Excess weight is not a lifestyle issue or lack of willpower.
It is a complex medical issue caused by our genetics, then brain/nervous system, hormones, social and economic factors in addition to our environment.
When we struggle with weight we are struggling, untreated, with a real medical condition!
Humans evolved to survive in a time when food was scarce - our biology resists weight loss and encourages weight regain. Now, we are surrounded by cheap, ultra-processed and ultra-portioned food. In this environment, those who are genetically vulnerable will naturally struggle with weight.

We are all unique, find the treatment plan that is best for you.
Redefining Response
Everybody views response to treatment differently, response can be seen beyond numbers on a scales and weight loss. Response can be having more energy to be active with friends and family, improving self-esteem, preventing further weight gain or improving metabolic health and overall function.
Whatever your response may be, let us help guide you on this journey.
My Best Weight Journey
Personalised Plan
Get in touch.
To make a virtual or in person appointment and access our programme get in touch now!